These resources feature members at their best, whether they are historic sites, agricultural museums, historic houses and farms, individual interpreters or businesses serving the living history community. These videos, featuring the sites where our members work, as well as educational content on many subjects, can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own home or used in a variety of educational settings. Start with their home pages and see where your curiosity and interests take you! Check your browser for a setting to enable captioning if you need it.
Want to see all the videos available from participating members? Click on the round icon on the top left of each video below!
FORT NISQUALLY LIVING HISTORY MUSEUM Tacoma, Washington 1855-1859 Trading Post Established by the Hudsons Bay Company | DAR MUSEUM Washington, DC 1700s-1800s, United States Decorative Arts | COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG FOUNDATION Williamsburg, Virginia Later Third of the 18th Century, United States |
BAILE NAN GÀIDHEAL-HIGHLAND VILLAGE MUSEUM Iona, Nova Scotia, Canada 1770s-1920s Scottish Gaelic Settlement | FORT WALLA WALLA MUSEUM | WORLD TURN'D UPSIDE DOWN Philadelphia, Pennsylvania American Heritage Crafts & Foodways |
UKRAINIAN CULTURAL HERITAGE VILLAGE Lamont County, Alberta, Canada Ukrainian immigration & settlement in Alberta, 1891-1930 | FRIENDS OF THE UKRAINIAN CULTURAL HERITAGE VILLAGE Lamont County, Alberta, Canada Ukrainian immigration & settlement in Alberta, 1891-1930 | HAWAIIAN MISSION HOUSES HISTORIC SITE & ARCHIVES Honolulu, Hawaii 1820 to 1850 |
CONNER PRARIE Fishers, Indiana 1836-1859-1863 | TRUNDLEBED TALES Solon, Iowa Social History: Laura Ingalls Wilder, One-Room Schools, Historic Foodways | MCDOUGALL COTTAGE HISTORIC SITE Cambridge, Ontario, Canada 1858 |
SCHNEIDER HAUS NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE Kitchner, Ontario, Canada Historic site focusing on 1856 | KEN SEILING WATERLOO REGION MUSEUM Kitchner, Ontario, Canada Doon Heritage Village focuses on 1914 | HANCOCK PARK DISTRICT Findlay, Ohio 1847 Living History in Northwest Ohio |
WESTMOORE POTTERY Seagrove, North Carolina 18th & early 19th centuries (some 17th century) | QUIET VALLEY LIVING HISTORICAL FARM Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 19th century rural Pennsylvania farm life | HERITAGE SYLVANIA Sylvania, Ohio 1840-1920 |
FRONTIER CULTURE MUSEUM OF VIRGINIA Staunton, Virginia 17th-19th C./Evolution of American Frontier Culture | SINGING CREEK EDUCATIONAL CENTER Cottage Grove, Oregon Pre-Contact Indigenous to 1910 | LW PAUL LIVING HISTORY FARM |